
Sydney Roberts

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Aug 30, 2022

Many cities in the United States use police civilian oversight entities to conduct independent, unbiased investigations of civilian complaints lodged against law enforcement. 在大城市最常见, these entities for civilian oversight of law enforcement may work with an agency’s internal affairs department, 在某些情况下, 完全取代内部事务. Citizens often appreciate the additional avenue to voice their concerns and the supervision of police by individuals independent of the agency.

如果你是城市领导, 政策架构师或社区倡导者, and you’re considering police civilian oversight as a strategy that could bring value to your city, 警察和邻居, the following are the four most common types of models used for citizen oversight of police.

1. The Review Model

作为警察民事监督最常见的方法, this framework involves having a group unaffiliated with the police agency examine how the police executed its investigation of a complaint. According to the 全国民事执法监督协会 (NACOLE), this model accounts for 62 percent of review boards in the United States. 授予这些实体的权力差别很大. 有些人可以要求进行更彻底的调查, while others can receive complaints from civilians and forward them to the department. Some entities can recommend outcomes or state how well they believe the department investigated the complaint.


  • 确保独立审查部门的行动
  • 代表了最便宜的民事监督模式


  • Includes limited authority to institute consequences or drive change
  • 这取决于员工,他们通常是兼职员工或志愿者

2. The Audit Model

Entities that follow the audit model for police oversight evaluate different aspects of the agency to ensure personnel adhere to the agency’s policies and procedures. They also generally have more autonomy and authority than review models. 根据NACOLE, civilian police oversight models structured as auditors “promote broad organizational change by addressing systemic issues, 分析模式和趋势, 解决政策和程序上的缺陷. Their work may cover virtually any aspect of the overseen law enforcement agency such as complaints, discipline, training, 人员编制和招聘, use of force, 预防犯罪策略.”


  • 结果是彻底和周到的审计
  • 配备全职员工
  • May allow contemporaneous observation of the agency’s investigation of the complaint, 而不是事后审查


  • 成本高于审查模式
  • Includes limited authority to institute consequences or drive change

3. 调查模式

This police oversight model involves a completely independent investigation by the oversight entity. In some cases, it replaces the internal affairs investigation altogether. 工作人员会见证人和警官, review documents, 考虑所有证据, 并公布他们的发现. 因为他们有很高的权威和自主权, staff members must have professional training in investigative techniques and appropriate knowledge of the inner workings of law enforcement agencies, 以及他们的政策和程序. Some investigative oversight bodies can recommend or enforce disciplinary action.


  • Offers the greatest independence from the agency under investigation
  • 为无偏见的视角提供了最有力的保证
  • 由经过培训的全职员工组成


  • May not include extensive or unlimited access to all necessary resources
  • 代表了最昂贵的民事监督模式
  • Law enforcement agency not afforded the opportunity to police itself or hold its officers accountable directly

4. The Hybrid Model

As the name suggests, this model combines various elements from the above models. 根据NACOLE, the hybrid model is increasing in popularity. 城市可以定制人员配置, duties, access and enforcement authority to meet the needs of their agency and community while taking into account their objectives, 集体谈判约束, 经营环境和财力. While some cities establish a single body with many responsibilities, others create multiple entities for civilian oversight of law enforcement each with discrete responsibilities. For example, Chicago has established four external entities and one internal affairs unit, 他们都有各自独立但又相互重叠的职责.


  • 表示高度可定制的解决方案, one that may help the municipality conform to state and local laws


  • May not deliver the full benefits of the first three non-hybrid models


每个城市的政府将决定哪种模式最适合他们. 影响格式的关键因素, structure and outcomes of the police civilian oversight entity include:

  1. Agency: Authority to carry out their duties and deliver findings viewed as credible and legitimate by all stakeholders.
  2. Autonomy: The independence to act, investigate and affect change in a meaningful way.
  3. Access: The resources, persons, 以及完成评审所需的工具, audits, 并进行彻底彻底的调查.
  4. Assistance: Collaboration from all relevant agencies with consequences for not providing adequate cooperation and support.
  5. Transparency: Openness and clarity in communicating or otherwise sharing information relating to the entity’s priorities, procedures, operations, 活动及成果.

Which of the four types of police civilian oversight makes the most sense for your agency? We can help you be more effective in how you investigate public integrity issues and ensure your law enforcement agency’s operations meet the highest standards. 进一步了解彩宝网平台的 执法咨询服务.

悉尼·R的大头照. Roberts, JD

About the author

Sydney R. Roberts, JD
在警察问责制方面已被证明是领导者, Sydney has provided insight and guidance on civil and human rights matters impacting law enforcement, 包括非法搜查和扣押, 拒绝律师辩护和警员枪击事件.
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