The benefits of fire investigation: less fire damage and a safer workplace




彩宝网平台的客户, 一个材料分类和回收公司, was concerned about recurring fires and their potential dangers. 保险 costs had risen and the fires were causing repeated interruptions to operations. The problem was resolved through a targeted audit and the client's cycle of financial damage was over. 这一切是怎么发生的?


对于彩宝网平台的客户, 这场火灾并不是一次性的重大事故, 但持续发生的一系列小火灾. Even smaller fires caused repeated interruptions to operations, resulting in reduced productivity. 保险费用上升. The company had compiled its own accident and investigation statistics on fire incidents. 尽管如此, fires continued to occur and the company's resources were insufficient to find a solution. The client contacted us for help: the whole operations were at risk.

We looked into the company's operations and analysed the operator's own statistics on accidents. We compiled the results of the investigation and found regularities. We conducted targeted safety audits at specific sites and discussed with the operator and employees. 行动的某些方面浮出水面. We combined the data we obtained with our knowledge of fires. We gained an insight into the chain of events leading up to the fires, and we also found out the steps in the process that were causing problems. Could we find a safer way to do the steps that preceded the fire events? 这会减少火灾的数量吗??


It soon became clear that the problem consisted of many different elements. We started to develop a general safety culture by providing concrete suggestions for alternative approaches for work activities that pose a fire risk. Then the safety culture and operations change from within the company. We played an advisory role: we helped the client to see the cause and effect of the fire investigation and the potential hazards of the activity. 彩宝网平台一起制定了更安全的工作规范, helping the client to become an even safer workplace and company. The effectiveness of the measures was closely monitored and new problems were addressed immediately.

Longer-term monitoring showed a significant reduction in the number of fires and a decrease in the number of damage caused by interruptions. 相反,保险费用没有增加, the insurance company reduced its premiums as a result of the measures taken by the company and the improved safety culture. 彩宝网平台的客户后来告诉彩宝网平台, “在消防安全审核之后, fire safety has taken a big step forward in terms of numbers. The audits have given us significant areas for improvement and we have also gained financial benefits from the work, 因为火灾造成的直接损失很小."


A targeted audit considers the client's initial problem and the specific objective to solve it. This approach is also cost-effective because it does not require auditing of all aspects. We can get close to the customer and the individual problem-solving. The development of a safety culture becomes an internal activity for the customer, 彩宝网平台参与了它的发展.

Targeted auditing is a process where problem solving may require reforming many operations and observing their synergies. The practical actions of the company are shaped through the reconciliation of customer needs and good safety performance. A targeted audit produces clear reports with identified guidelines and recommendations for action. We help the client to understand the impact and benefits of different measures.


Audits allow us to get up close and personal with issues that the customer has not yet even realised are a problem. In addition to solving the problem, this allows us to help prevent damage that has not yet occurred. 火灾可能与环境污染有关, so preventing fires is also about protecting the company's environmental image. Developing a safety culture in the company will reduce interruptions and improve safety at work. The development of a safety culture does not only mean preventing fires, 而是一种防止一切事故发生的心态. 安全的工作环境旨在保证业务的连续性, 生产力和安全的工作环境.



玛丽Lehtimaki has worked in the safety and security industry for more than 20 years and has been a fire safety expert for the last seven years.
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