



Many of our new corporate clients who engage our threat and violence risk management (TVRM) services don’t realize that the U.S. 职业安全与健康管理局(OSHA) 1970年法案一般责任条款 requiring employers to maintain “a place of employment…free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm” is directly related to their responsibility to engage in a systematic approach to workplace violence prevention.

Once we have the discussion on how this applies, often their next question is, “Ok, how we do that?以下是彩宝网平台的七个步骤 TVRM团队 refers to collectively as a “roadmap” to preventing violence in the workplace – a systemic approach to ensuring the safety and security of your people, 资产及声誉.

步骤1. 进行需求评估

规划是第一位的. 一个成功的 工作场所暴力预防(WVP)项目 requires a baseline understanding of your organization’s internal environment, 包括目前的优势, 功能, and resources supporting the development or enhancement of a comprehensive 工作场所暴力预防计划. 这种“需求评估”应审查关键领域的现有政策, 比如入职, 就业筛选, 隐私, 合规, 以及问题的解决和升级. It helps identify gaps and opportunities for improvements and guides execution, specifically with respect to essential functions and departments such as Security, HR, 操作, 法律, 员工援助计划(EAP)和生产线管理.

一步 2. 调查你的员工

A second key planning step is to assess your employees’ concerns and reservations about WVP-related issues, 比如工作场所安全, 的影响 工作场所的家庭暴力, active assailant risk, and 报告 red flags or behaviors of concern exhibited by colleagues. 其他问题也很重要, 比如对隐私的看法, 监控, 以及对关切和投诉的处理. We use an anonymous survey to improve the sharing of information and develop awareness across the realm of workplace concerns. The survey findings will help shape your safety goals and inform 政策发展, 员工培训, 内部意识和选择合适的外部合作伙伴(如.g.(心理健康).

一步 3. 进行物理和技术安全评估

Next, you will need a full understanding of the physical security of your workforce environment. 安全来自于物理安全和技术安全. 检讨物理保安措施, 包括周边, 大门及停车配置, 景观, 户外照明, 锁和钥匙, 以及物理安全策略. 还需要对技术安全进行审查, 包括访问控制, 访客管理, 入侵检测和视频监控, 恐慌警报, 以及紧急警报通知. 越来越多地, cyber policies and 实践 that limit the vulnerability of systems contribute to safety and reduce risk.

一步 4. 制定政策和正式的工作场所暴力预防计划

在这个过程中, your team will draw on findings derived from 一步s 1 through 3 to create the core elements that will form your prevention program. 这个程序需要提供明确的信息, 核心业务政策的可操作指导, 实践, 合规, 隐私, 报告, 事件追踪和联络当地急救人员. These policies are the foundation for a culture of safety and should define expectations, 确保安全和降低危害风险的组织目标和愿景.

一步 5. 创建并培训威胁评估小组(TAT)

The core of your emerging program strategy and plan should be establishing a cross-functional, 多学科威胁管理团队. Many large employers build in-house threat assessment teams composed a diverse group of experts, 包括保安人员, 人力资源和法律. 其他人则将威胁评估外包给像彩宝网平台团队这样的专家. Additional TAT stakeholders and ad-hoc members include specialists and situational advisors in mental health, 执法, 法医心理学, 行为威胁评估和管理. Your TAT build should include establishing activation protocols for assessing, 管理, 并记录与报告的问题和事件相关的威胁案例, 与步骤4一致.

一步 6. 进行培训并建立意识

The “eyes and ears” of your prevention-oriented WVP program are your employees and should include any vendors, 第三方人员, 或者在你的工作场所出现任何频率的顾问. You need to educate and inform these stakeholders across every level of the organization. The best way to bolster your 工作场所暴力预防计划 is through ongoing, 面对面的培训, or interactive e-learning that builds awareness and inspires action and accountability across your entire organization. We strongly emphasize designing a customized training curriculum tailored specifically to three audience groups: (1) managers and supervisors, (2)全体员工;(3)TAT成员.


即使你建立了一个内部威胁评估小组, there are likely going to be times when you need to call upon advanced expertise from specialists – particularly forensic psychologists. 这些专家提供独特的服务. One type of service is a Direct Violence Risk Assessment for individuals who have violated workplace violence prevention policies, 好斗的表现出关心或攻击性行为的, 或者引起主管或其他人的关注. 另一项服务是间接威胁评估, which is similar to the first service but is undertaken without a direct interview with the subject.

Forensic psychologists also conduct Fitness-for-Duty Evaluations to assess a given employee’s ability to perform essential job requirements. This is often prompted by some action or behavior at work that brings the employee’s performance into question. All three services provide your team with insight into making key decisions about workplace safety.


These seven basic steps are integral to developing any workplace violence program, 各个彩宝网, 彩宝网, 地理和许多组织特征. 预防是关于重点和快速识别, assessing and intervening when reported actions of an individual or group signal a potential for violence.

詹森·休斯可以帮你建立 工作场所暴力预防计划 这有助于拯救生命, 减少责任, minimize operational disruptions and enhance employee well-being across all your offices and operations.

黛布拉K的大头照. 科比


黛布拉K. 科比
黛布拉有巡逻行动的指挥经验, 调查, 有组织犯罪, 执法培训, 政策发展, data-led policing and internal affairs with an acute focus on integrity systems, covert operations and the need for strong accountability 实践 in support of operational priorities.
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